45 Percent of People Have This Foot Problem...

Do your feet hurt? If you suffer from heel, knee or back pain when you exercise or stand for long periods of time, like 45% of the population, you may have misaligned feet or ankles. Misalignment doesn’t just occur in your spine, any of your joints can move out of correct alignment,including the many small joints of your foot or your ankle.

How can my foot or ankle be misaligned?

The foot contains 33 joints which can misalign and cause foot and leg problems. The Talus is one of the most important bones in our foot which sits in the ankle and connects the rear foot to the forefoot. Your talus can slide slightly forward over the ankle bone,making the joints collapse. This ultimately causes your foot to roll inward, or pronate when you take a step.

What are common symptoms of misaligned feet?

The main symptom of misalignment in your feet and ankles is chronic pain, typically caused by secondary issues resulting from misalignment. Pain from misalignment can travel up as far as your knees and back as well.

What are other foot problems caused by foot and ankle misalignment?

Many common foot problems can ultimately be traced back to an alignment issue.

Bunions are caused by a misalignment in your metatarsophalangeal joint (the joint between your big toe and the rest of your foot). The joint is pulled out of alignment by tight tendons and ligaments and the deformity causes a bony growth to develop,causing the red, painful bump you recognize as a bunion.

Flat feet are often caused by a misalignment in your ankle that makes the foot collapse and forces your arch to drop by pulling on the tendons and fascia. Flat feet ultimatelycause additional alignment issues and pain in your knees, hips, and back.

Hammertoes can be caused by ankle misalignment that makes your gait unsteady so that your toes grasp at the ground as you walk. Over time, your tendons and muscles pull your toe into the distinctive hammer shape.

Heel pain – also referred to as plantar fasciitis – is caused by irritation and inflammation in the fascia that stretches from your heel to the ball of your foot. The irritation,however, is typically caused by misalignment in your ankle, collapsing the arch,which distends the tendons, muscles, and fascia.

As mentioned in the introduction, the collapse of the arch causes your foot to roll inward, or pronate when you take a step. Overpronation reduces the effectiveness of the natural cushioning of your foot to absorb the shock of your steps. With the average person taking 5,000 to10,000 steps in a single day, that creates a lot of pressure on your feet,which radiates up through your legs and back.

How are misaligned feet treated?

Foot Mobilisation Therapy (FMT) is a very effective form of joint mobilisation,which uses hands-on manipulation techniques to treat foot alignment and biomechanical issues. FMT is widely used by health professionals around the world, to restore normal joint function and range of motion, without orthotics,surgery or drugs. Misalignment of joints in the foot can cause increased pressure and strain on the soft tissues.

The body is forced to compensate, leading to pain, stiffness, arthritis and poor foot function. This can result in adaptations in walking style, which can lead to further complications, such as knee, hip and lower back strain. FMT is used to release restrictions in the feet and lower limbs, and allow the tissues to heal and repair to a healthy, functioning state. 

Orthotics are like reading glasses, they only work when you are wearing them so the goal at Corrective Foot Solutions in Tauranga and Parnell (Auckland) is to correct the underlying joint and structural misalignments long term, maintain mobility, and improve strength, balance and foot posture – so that you can live an active and health lifestyle.

Our process steps for FMT



Thorough history- We take the time to understand your problem. Biomechanical assessment: Hands on joint and postural evaluation, foot and leg gait analysis.



A treatment plan will be determined that suits you. Treatment will involve Foot Mobilisation therapy combined with corrective exercises. Together these two treatments will start the healing process.



This gentle, targeted and painless technique stimulates the body’s natural ability to repair and restore itself. With FMT, we change the structure of your foot - meaning your condition will continue to improve over time. While orthotics only work while you wear them, FMT provides a more permanent solution to your foot problems. Without reliance on orthotics, you can continue to wear the footwear that suits you.



The treatment is further assessed, If an X ray was taken initially then an X ray will be taken post treatment to also provide objective feed back

If you would like to fix your foot pain without big, bulky uncomfortable orthotics that don't fit in your shoes then take advantage of our foot pain special! 50% off your initial assessment if you mention this article. valid 24/8/19 - 31/8/19. Call the Auckland clinic on 09 212 9250 or tauranga clinic 07 925 0269

We can show you why FMT is right for you

"I only wish I had found you sooner!"

Finally, a Podiatry solution to fix your aching body. FMT is a extremly effective alternative to expensive surgery and orthotics. You can also wear the shoes you want!

Get your foot pain under control

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